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Become a radiant example of living a purposeful and heart-centered life.

Personal Guidance - One-on-one coaching

Dive into the more beautiful life your heart knows is possible. Dream the impossible dream and speak it into existence. Bring your true potential to life and experience the power of an aligned way of being.

Unlock your potential

Manifest your dreams

Live your passions

Do you recognize ...

Feeling a lack of purpose in life?

Do you want to find meaning and purpose in the work you do, in alignment with yourself and life?

Not using your full potential?

Do you want to find authentic expression for your unique gifts?

Feeling unsure where to go next?

Do you want clarity about where to focus your attention?

Don't waste your life. Unlock your potential and start a life of purpose, passion and joy today.

Personal Guidance on your evolutionary journey

Let me be a companion on your journey. In a series of one-on-one sessions we catalyse your path to live from the heart.

One-on-one coaching

Together we get clear on what you really want and define steps to get into action. I am on your side to support you, encourage you and laugh with you.

Be inspired!

We walk this path together. I share personal stories and show you what is possible. Ask me anything. Wherever you are, wherever you go.

Get connected

With two years of full-time networking on the front line of regenerative innovation, I can connect you directly to some of the most inspiring ideas, people and projects on the planet.

Three simple steps to get started

Book an exploration call

Define your coaching journey with me

Build your heart-driven life

"I am immensely grateful for the coaching trajectory led by Bart, as it had a profound impact on my ability to work with purpose. Our conversations felt incredibly natural and warm, creating a safe space for exploration and growth. Bart's exceptional guidance and genuine support fostered an experience, where I gained clarity, discovered my authentic path, and achieved remarkable personal and professional growth. Bart helped me overcome limitations, pursue meaningful projects, and find fulfillment. I wholeheartedly recommend Bart's coaching services to anyone seeking to unlock their potential and align their work with their passions and values."

Vincent van Oversteeg, The Netherlands

Gaianet Gathering #1 - 4 - 9-10-2021 - photos by www.mooimens_edited.jpg

Energy Exchange

I would feel honoured to work with you and look forward to helping you to live a life of purpose. In return, you help me to live a life of purpose.

Depending on your capacity to give financially, this is the pricing I use as base for defining an offer:


1111 euro for four sessions

(prices are excluding VAT)

I believe money should never be a threshold. It's just a reflection of value and commitment, and perceived differently from everyone's unique situation. If you feel called to work with me, but lack the financial resources, reach out and we'll make it work. What is important to me is that you make a commitment to yourself. And that you can match that commitment with a contribution that is meaningful to you. When that is aligned, I know that my gifts, which I abundantly want to share, can truly be received.

Let's create a proposal that works for both of us. 

My current way of life provides capacity to work with three people at any given moment. Inquire about my availability.

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

I know, finding purpose and fulfilment in a world full of distractions is difficult.

My life has showed me how to transition from an unfulfilling job in the 'normal' system to a heart-filled life full of magic.


Back in 2018, I was sitting in my office job, wondering what else life could offer me if I dared to follow my heart. I had made it in the normal system, with a great job on paper. Yet something was off, something was missing. I knew that life had bigger plans for me. I wanted to work on a bigger vision and find a sense of purpose, so that my true potential could come alive. Fast forward to now, I'm living my dream life. Building Gaianet, meeting amazing people every day, visiting beautiful locations, feeling guided by a higher purpose.

Having met 100+ people living their purpose, guiding many on their path of self-actualisation, seeing it in action from close by, I know what it takes.

I believe everybody should be able to do what they deeply love to do. It's time we all make our way to our heart and learn to use it as our compass to create the most fulfilling lives possible. That's how we build paradise on earth. I am here to guide others and share what I've learned.

Start your dream life today. I am here to provide you with the support and tools you need in order to bring change, and reach a fulfilling life in alignment with a bigger purpose.


For who is this?

For anyone who hears the calling of their heart. 

The persona profile I like to work with, is someone who:

  • has outgrown their environment.

  • is succesful in their field.

  • wants to upgrade the life they created so far.

  • is aware of the state of the world.

  • is ready to transition and make the leap to a more beautiful world.

  • is spiritually open.

  • has a bright mind.

  • has an open heart.

Who am I as a Coach?

I feel deeply called to help others doing what they love doing most. This is about living from the heart: daring to listen to yourself and acting on it. As coach my biggest value is to listen deeply and making the other feel heard. It is my goal to help you come home to yourself and being able to access and express your full potential. 

My passion and talent: 
● Igniting the fire - discovering where is someone's passion and purpose.
● Awakening the fire and offering the tools to create your own reality.  


Some other core elements that drive me:

  • Expanding consciousness

  • Creating meaningful work

  • Making dreams possible

  • Inspire to create your own path in life

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