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From the mind to the heart

Sharing my personal journey

Hi, I'm Bart.

Here to ignite a world of wonderful possibilities.

My life has taken many different turns. The golden thread has always been a curiosity to explore what is possible in life. My curiosity has led me to dive deep into my inner world, to expand my consciousness and to understand how the world works. I have for a long time walked the 'normal' path, exploring what our current reality as humanity has to offer.

I felt limited. 

My own path started in 2018, when I decided to quit my regular office job as a robotics engineer. On paper, I had a very good life. However, I felt that my potential was not being fully expressed. I felt a lack of purpose. I dreamt of a bigger vision for life and wanted to find a sense of purpose. I believed that more was possible in this life. If only I dared to make a move.

I decided to make the leap. 

I quit my job and went on an exploration into the unknown. I didn't know where life would take me. All I could do was trust my heart. 

I did a field guide course in South Africa to reconnect with nature, showing me how precious life is. Life that is so intricately connected to us, but we rarely see it. It helped me realize how much life actually is out there. And it is all connected. 

I believe it is our biggest job as humanity right now to reconnect with nature, outside and within. 

When returning to my home country the Netherlands, I started my own business to share my wonder about life and expand our awareness, through offering satellite art (see some examples at my Instagram). Within a year that realigned to more directly follow the calling of my heart: to help other people liberate themselves and create their own path in life. I started coaching. I experienced many synchronicities, encouraging that I was on the right path. Then life took another turn. 

Covid hit.

I had a massive wake-up call, within 24 hours realizing that life as we knew it would massively change. I felt a deep calling to stand up and do something to bring a new vision into the world. Through a cascade of synchronicities I connected with a group of aligned people with whom I started Gaianet, a platform connecting changemakers worldwide. We are united by a shared dream to transform life on earth into a world in which we all live from the heart, in harmony with nature and with abundance for all.

My life completely changed. I met amazing people from all over the world, all working on the same bigger dream. It made it clear to me that something big is shifting on the planet. 

With Gaianet I have found my life’s calling. It fosters a long held dream of creating a global collaboration platform, of which the vision for me originates already in 2013. It has also brought me a life full of adventure. I went to Brazil, to spend time in paradise (Alto Paraiso), realizing paradise already exists. We just have to find our way back to nature. Currently I’m exploring Portugal to make this my home. 

In many ways I am living my dream life, for which I am immensely grateful. It is sometimes not easy for other people to understand the course of my life, as it’s far off from the beaten track. For my parents I’ve converged to the explanation that "I have retired and now I'm creating paradise on earth."

To explore what I’m doing now, you can find more about my current projects on the website. There is always more bubbling behind the scenes. I love exploring new ideas and visions!

If you feel the call, don’t be a stranger and please reach out!

With love, Bart

P.S. One of my biggest passions is sailing. You can always invite me for a sailing trip!

P.P.S. For the Dutchies, listen to the podcast below to learn more about my journey. 

Podcast interview with Axel Mulders (Dutch)

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